Saturday, August 16, 2008

While you were out....

Jason's been in Minneapolis since Thursday for a work weekend of meetings and golf. It really sucked that he had to be at the airport that morning for a 7:00 flight, which meant he woke me up at 4:40 so that I could take him. Poor thing ended up not leaving Memphis until 11 or so because his plane had some malfunctioning computer, and everyone on the plane had to be dispersed to other flights. Needless to say, he was not a happy camper. Nor was I because I had to get up so early the morning of my final for summer semester, and I was worn out all day. I have of course missed him, but I've also been keeping myself a little busy. Becky, Tim, and I went out to eat last night, and then Tim made the mistake of challenging a game of the movies version of Scene It. The 3 of us are incredibly competitive, so I knew it would be a battle to the end. I am quite proud to say that I won, even though I was pretty much falling asleep in between turns by the end of the night. It was lots of fun.
Today, I went to the mall, a children's clothing store, and Target with my sister and her 2 toddlers. For those of you who haven't experienced shopping with small children, I highly recommend it before deciding to have one of your own. I kid, I kid. They actually did pretty well considering it was nap time, and we were dragging them all over Memphis. To be honest, those 2 kids really are pretty well-behaved most of the time.
I had every intention of having the house spotless by the time hubby got home tomorrow, but the chances of that happening are growing more dismal by the minute. I think I'll take a nap with Ruby and then see what I can get myself to do. I feel kind of like a lazy-butt since I don't have to study or focus on school at all right now, so I figure I'll eventually guilt myself into attempting to be a good semi-housewife. I don't have to pick him up until 3 or so tomorrow, so I have plenty of time to get a little work done around here. Hopefully tomorrow's travel will be uneventful for him, or I know I won't hear the end of it.

1 comment:

Sara said...

You have a blog!!! I am so excited!! I miss you guys! I will have to come visit soon!!!