Sunday, August 24, 2008

I've been tagged...

My sis-in-law, Sara, had tagged me to tell some random things about myself. Please don't think I'm a complete weirdo....

1. I REALLY like even numbers of things. I'm not as bad as I used to be, but I used to only eat things in pairs, like 2 chips, 2 cookies, or even numbers of them. Now, I don't pay attention as much. OCD, I know.
2. I cannot stand to have a dirty/messy workplace. Before I can start my day, I have to wipe down every counter, keyboard, phone, or doorknob with disinfecting wipes. I mean, I work in a hospital, so there are germs everywhere. My house is a different story. That's why we're having a maid come on Monday.
3. I get freaked out by butterflies. I like to look at them from afar, but I cannot stand for them (or anything) to flutter around me.
4. I strangely look at the clock every single day at the exact time of 10:23. (My birthday is 10/23). Jason thinks I'm a freak because I always point it out to him. I don't intend to look for it, I just do it.
5. I LOVE musicals.....just can't find anyone to go to one with me. Any takers?? Wicked is coming to the Orpheum next year!!
6. I wanted to be an actress or singer when I was a little girl. I always was (and still am) a bit dramatic sometimes, and I wanted to be in a movie like Dirty Dancing (I used to know the dance by heart and would dance along to the end of the movie). Oh, and I would watch Elvis movies over and over again and sing along as well.

I honestly don't know many bloggers, and I don't know who reads this, so I tag anyone who wants to participate.

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