Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm back....

I haven't kept this up like I had planned. I've been really busy with my job and I'm trying to get healthy, in shape, etc. As my previous post stated, I have been really frustrated with myself. I feel really bad about how much weight I've gained (15 big ones), and I want to change my lifestyle. I have still been doing Turbo Jam and while I enjoy it, I wanted to try something a little different. I wanted to jump on the P90X bandwagon, but I have a few issues with it. 1. I don't like male exercise instructors. Nothing personal against them, but I feel like I can actually do something if I see a woman doing it. 2. I've seen Power 90, and Tony Horton gets on my nerves a bit. 3. I don't have 1-1 1/2 hours 6 days a week to commit to something like that. 4. The thought of doing a chin-up (and where) is really not something I relish.

So, I looked into something that's more geared to women. I really like Chalene Johnson from Turbo Jam. She's bouncy and bubbly in an encouraging and not cheerleader-y way that I find appealing, and I actually look forward to working out with her. I know that anything works if you are dedicated and stick with it, but I've been unable to find anything to keep me motivated....until now. I read lots and lots of reviews about a new 90-day plan that she's done called Chalean Extreme, and it's been compared to P90X in terms of difficulty and results. I have so far only been doing it since Saturday, and I really look forward to it, and boy, do I feel it! The work-outs incorporate weights with pretty much everything, and the goal is to get you to be able to lift heavy weights with fewer reps. I have been getting up around 5am each day so I can do my work-outs before work, and I have found that I really enjoy not having to muster up energy at the end of every day to work out. Plus, I don't like having to take 2 showers every day!

Here's a link to the site, if anyone is interested.
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Jason had tried to get me to agree to buy the Bowflex Selecttech weights a few months ago, but the high price ($450) really turned me off. If you're not familiar with them, they're really cool. They are one pair of dumbbells that you can turn a dial and change the weight anywhere from 5-52lbs. For those of us with a lack of space, they're ideal. So, I had said no because I didn't think we'd both use them, and I wasn't sure that Jason was going to stick to his work-out enough to get our money's worth. Well, now that I want them, we of course had to get them. I DID NOT pay that price for them, though. I am a serious bargain shopper, and I actually won them (brand new) on ebay for MUCH less. I am quite proud and ready to get them here, as they shipped today. I felt kind of guilty for buying them when I wanted them but not when Jason wanted them, and I've definitely heard about it. But, in my defense, he hasn't been working out for the past month, and I would've been really ticked if I'd caved in earlier.

So, I'm hoping to keep up my newfound enthusiasm for this and am really trying to eat as healthy as possible. I would NEVER be one of those to post before and after pics, but I definitely will post an "after" shot after 90 days if I'm pleased with the results. Say some prayers that I can stick with it because I am determined to get back in my favorite jeans before Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Frustrated doesn't cover it

You can ask just about anyone who speaks with me frequently. I have been working by booty off working out at least 4 but usually 6 days a week since the middle of February. I walk around a lot at work, too, so I have definitely increased my daily movement since I started the new job. I also really don't eat that much junk and make it a point to eat a salad at least once a day. So, can anyone tell me why I haven't lost a SINGLE POUND?!?!? I actually have gained a few, which I really think I can chalk up to new muscle because I've been doing lots of strength training. I feel a TINY bit better in my clothes but not that much. Jason hasn't worked out as much as he was before, and he still looks great. I know aobut the whole guys-have-faster-metabolisms thing, but this is just straight up not right. I will never starve myself because I would pass out from hypoglycemia if I even skipped one meal, so other than going to the fat clinic and getting on pills, I don't know what to do. Any ideas??? I've gotten to the point where I feel guilty eating just about anything other than a salad.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I passed!!!!

I took boards last week, and I'm proud to say that I PASSED!!! I now have to wait for the TN Board of Nursing to give me my license number and my DEA license so I can prescribe, and for the very LONG process of getting credentialed at Le Bonheur. They have me on track to "officially" begin acting as the hospitalist PNP as of June 1st (at least that's when my malpractice insurance begins!).

An update on our health-kick progress: Jason hurt his knee in a very strange way. We were on our way home from a wedding in Atlanta, and I was driving. He twisted in his seat to get something out of the back and apparently injured his left knee. Not too sure how he managed to do it, but OH, did I hear about it. After a visit to an orthopedic surgeon and a day with a physical therapist, he's now doing much better and using PT exercises to help him strengthen his leg. He was pretty bummed because he didn't get to work out for awhile, but he's getting back in the swing of things. He's still losing weight despite not being quite as active. I, on the other hand, have bounced back and forth from losing a few pounds to being back to where I started. How is if fair that men can see results so much faster than women and with less effort?!? I am working my booty off and eating what I think is pretty healthy food, but I can't seem to get off this plateau I've been on for pretty much the past 10 years. ARGH! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Speaking of knees, Ruby may have a problem with her left back knee (do dogs even have front knees??). She had surgery last July on her right knee because she had a severe subluxating patella. Our vet told us her kneecap pretty much spun around to the back of her leg when she was sedated for surgery. It was a LONG recovery, but she is now doing great and takes joint supplements every day. She has now limped around some on her left leg and has been yelping, and I REALLY don't want to go through that again. I also don't want her to develop arthritis if we don't get it fixed. Money is not at all an issue because we have insurance on her, but I have a feeling our premium might go up on our little girl considering this would be her 4th surgery. It was just so heartbreaking to see her in so much pain afterwards, and my job schedule would make it rather difficult for me to take time off with her to help her recover. I mean, I planned her spay and her surgery around my old schedule so I'd have at least a few days off with her because I couldn't bear to leave her alone while she was hurting. We even slept on the fold-out couch downstairs so we wouldn't have to carry her upstairs. Can you tell she pretty much runs our house? I'll keep updating on her progress. We haven't gone to the vet yet, but I have a bad feeling that we'll be making that well-known trip sometime soon. The pic above is before she had her staples out. Wasn't she pitiful?? On a side note, I can't figure out how to put pictures in the middle of my post. That's why it's at the beginning. Any suggestions??

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I'm still alive.....

I just haven't blogged in, oh, 6 months. So, here's what's been happening in my life since I last blogged. I went on a really fun family trip to Disney World and finished up graduate school in December. I started a new job in January. I'm now working for UT Medical Group as a pediatric nurse practitioner with the hospitalist service at Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center here in Memphis. I really like my job so far, and I'm looking forward to being able to fully practice as an NP. It has been a bit difficult adjusting to 5 day work weeks, but I'm doing better with getting up at 5:30 every morning. I haven't taken boards yet (March 30th), so I can't officially write orders, prescriptions, etc. I'm getting lots of practice in the meantime and staying busy studying. I don't know if anyone really reads my blog, but I PROMISE I'll do better once I finish with boards and have more free time. Oh, and I've started working out pretty much every day because I feel like a big fat cow, so that's been taking up my time as well. I've been doing Walk Away the Pounds.....don't laugh. I actually like it, although I'd like to mute Leslie Sansone sometimes. I've also started Turbo Jam, which is really fun and kicks my booty. Jason is also on a big health kick these days and has been eating better, taking vitamins, and working out. He's doing the Power 90 (not P90X), and I'm very proud of his progress. It's also helped that he gave up all fried foods, and I gave up chocolate for Lent. We'll be one fit couple in a few months (hopefully)!

Jason and I are doing great. He's still traveling way more than I would like, but that's what I can expect as long as he's in medical sales. I locked myself and Ruby out of the house the other morning in the freezing rain at 6:30 AM, and I REALLY disliked his job at that moment. I had to wait an hour and a half for my sister to bring my key. I was VERY appreciative of her and my neighbor who I had never met and allowed us to hang out in his house until Jenn arrived. I've been a bit obsessive about the locks now because I now all have of our spare keys in the house with the exception of our dog walker.
We're very quickly out-growing our condo, but I don't foresee us buying another house anytime soon. With the economy as bad as it is, I have no idea when we'll be able to move out and up....I just hope soon because we certainly cannot add too much to our family here!:) And NO, we are not adding to our family anytime soon. I have decided to completely leave that up to Jason, so any pressure should be directed at him!

Jenn and Steve have bought a house that is VERY close to us, and we're so excited about them being right down the street. I love to hang out with my niece and nephew, and I'm really looking forward to seeing them more often. They're both growing so fast, and I've loved being able to be right here with them to see them develop into such wonderful children.

Ruby is still the same little Ruby. She's such a funny little dog and has been the best companion for me while Jason has traveled. I'm always laughing at her, although she does drive me crazy sometimes. If anyone knows of a good way to stop barking, please let me know. She goes nuts at our back door at absolutely NOTHING sometimes, and I cannot figure out how to stop the behavior. I soak her with the water gun sometimes before she finally stops, and then of course I feel guilty because she looks so pitiful.

My best friend of 16 years, Becky, is engaged, and I am so incredibly happy for her! She has had a lot of things happen to her that would break most people, but she is such a strong individual and has survived and thrived. She is happier than I've ever seen her, and Jason and I just love Tim. He's a really great guy and he just adores Becky. They're getting married in December, much to the delight of anyone who loves SEC football! She was very considerate and chose a weekend when there would be no games.

So, there's an update for anyone who reads this. Like I said, I'll be updating more often once I have more time, but I can't guarantee that it'll be anything that'll glue you to the computer screen.
