Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm back....

I haven't kept this up like I had planned. I've been really busy with my job and I'm trying to get healthy, in shape, etc. As my previous post stated, I have been really frustrated with myself. I feel really bad about how much weight I've gained (15 big ones), and I want to change my lifestyle. I have still been doing Turbo Jam and while I enjoy it, I wanted to try something a little different. I wanted to jump on the P90X bandwagon, but I have a few issues with it. 1. I don't like male exercise instructors. Nothing personal against them, but I feel like I can actually do something if I see a woman doing it. 2. I've seen Power 90, and Tony Horton gets on my nerves a bit. 3. I don't have 1-1 1/2 hours 6 days a week to commit to something like that. 4. The thought of doing a chin-up (and where) is really not something I relish.

So, I looked into something that's more geared to women. I really like Chalene Johnson from Turbo Jam. She's bouncy and bubbly in an encouraging and not cheerleader-y way that I find appealing, and I actually look forward to working out with her. I know that anything works if you are dedicated and stick with it, but I've been unable to find anything to keep me motivated....until now. I read lots and lots of reviews about a new 90-day plan that she's done called Chalean Extreme, and it's been compared to P90X in terms of difficulty and results. I have so far only been doing it since Saturday, and I really look forward to it, and boy, do I feel it! The work-outs incorporate weights with pretty much everything, and the goal is to get you to be able to lift heavy weights with fewer reps. I have been getting up around 5am each day so I can do my work-outs before work, and I have found that I really enjoy not having to muster up energy at the end of every day to work out. Plus, I don't like having to take 2 showers every day!

Here's a link to the site, if anyone is interested.
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Jason had tried to get me to agree to buy the Bowflex Selecttech weights a few months ago, but the high price ($450) really turned me off. If you're not familiar with them, they're really cool. They are one pair of dumbbells that you can turn a dial and change the weight anywhere from 5-52lbs. For those of us with a lack of space, they're ideal. So, I had said no because I didn't think we'd both use them, and I wasn't sure that Jason was going to stick to his work-out enough to get our money's worth. Well, now that I want them, we of course had to get them. I DID NOT pay that price for them, though. I am a serious bargain shopper, and I actually won them (brand new) on ebay for MUCH less. I am quite proud and ready to get them here, as they shipped today. I felt kind of guilty for buying them when I wanted them but not when Jason wanted them, and I've definitely heard about it. But, in my defense, he hasn't been working out for the past month, and I would've been really ticked if I'd caved in earlier.

So, I'm hoping to keep up my newfound enthusiasm for this and am really trying to eat as healthy as possible. I would NEVER be one of those to post before and after pics, but I definitely will post an "after" shot after 90 days if I'm pleased with the results. Say some prayers that I can stick with it because I am determined to get back in my favorite jeans before Thanksgiving!

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