Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I passed!!!!

I took boards last week, and I'm proud to say that I PASSED!!! I now have to wait for the TN Board of Nursing to give me my license number and my DEA license so I can prescribe, and for the very LONG process of getting credentialed at Le Bonheur. They have me on track to "officially" begin acting as the hospitalist PNP as of June 1st (at least that's when my malpractice insurance begins!).

An update on our health-kick progress: Jason hurt his knee in a very strange way. We were on our way home from a wedding in Atlanta, and I was driving. He twisted in his seat to get something out of the back and apparently injured his left knee. Not too sure how he managed to do it, but OH, did I hear about it. After a visit to an orthopedic surgeon and a day with a physical therapist, he's now doing much better and using PT exercises to help him strengthen his leg. He was pretty bummed because he didn't get to work out for awhile, but he's getting back in the swing of things. He's still losing weight despite not being quite as active. I, on the other hand, have bounced back and forth from losing a few pounds to being back to where I started. How is if fair that men can see results so much faster than women and with less effort?!? I am working my booty off and eating what I think is pretty healthy food, but I can't seem to get off this plateau I've been on for pretty much the past 10 years. ARGH! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Speaking of knees, Ruby may have a problem with her left back knee (do dogs even have front knees??). She had surgery last July on her right knee because she had a severe subluxating patella. Our vet told us her kneecap pretty much spun around to the back of her leg when she was sedated for surgery. It was a LONG recovery, but she is now doing great and takes joint supplements every day. She has now limped around some on her left leg and has been yelping, and I REALLY don't want to go through that again. I also don't want her to develop arthritis if we don't get it fixed. Money is not at all an issue because we have insurance on her, but I have a feeling our premium might go up on our little girl considering this would be her 4th surgery. It was just so heartbreaking to see her in so much pain afterwards, and my job schedule would make it rather difficult for me to take time off with her to help her recover. I mean, I planned her spay and her surgery around my old schedule so I'd have at least a few days off with her because I couldn't bear to leave her alone while she was hurting. We even slept on the fold-out couch downstairs so we wouldn't have to carry her upstairs. Can you tell she pretty much runs our house? I'll keep updating on her progress. We haven't gone to the vet yet, but I have a bad feeling that we'll be making that well-known trip sometime soon. The pic above is before she had her staples out. Wasn't she pitiful?? On a side note, I can't figure out how to put pictures in the middle of my post. That's why it's at the beginning. Any suggestions??