Saturday, March 14, 2009

I'm still alive.....

I just haven't blogged in, oh, 6 months. So, here's what's been happening in my life since I last blogged. I went on a really fun family trip to Disney World and finished up graduate school in December. I started a new job in January. I'm now working for UT Medical Group as a pediatric nurse practitioner with the hospitalist service at Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center here in Memphis. I really like my job so far, and I'm looking forward to being able to fully practice as an NP. It has been a bit difficult adjusting to 5 day work weeks, but I'm doing better with getting up at 5:30 every morning. I haven't taken boards yet (March 30th), so I can't officially write orders, prescriptions, etc. I'm getting lots of practice in the meantime and staying busy studying. I don't know if anyone really reads my blog, but I PROMISE I'll do better once I finish with boards and have more free time. Oh, and I've started working out pretty much every day because I feel like a big fat cow, so that's been taking up my time as well. I've been doing Walk Away the Pounds.....don't laugh. I actually like it, although I'd like to mute Leslie Sansone sometimes. I've also started Turbo Jam, which is really fun and kicks my booty. Jason is also on a big health kick these days and has been eating better, taking vitamins, and working out. He's doing the Power 90 (not P90X), and I'm very proud of his progress. It's also helped that he gave up all fried foods, and I gave up chocolate for Lent. We'll be one fit couple in a few months (hopefully)!

Jason and I are doing great. He's still traveling way more than I would like, but that's what I can expect as long as he's in medical sales. I locked myself and Ruby out of the house the other morning in the freezing rain at 6:30 AM, and I REALLY disliked his job at that moment. I had to wait an hour and a half for my sister to bring my key. I was VERY appreciative of her and my neighbor who I had never met and allowed us to hang out in his house until Jenn arrived. I've been a bit obsessive about the locks now because I now all have of our spare keys in the house with the exception of our dog walker.
We're very quickly out-growing our condo, but I don't foresee us buying another house anytime soon. With the economy as bad as it is, I have no idea when we'll be able to move out and up....I just hope soon because we certainly cannot add too much to our family here!:) And NO, we are not adding to our family anytime soon. I have decided to completely leave that up to Jason, so any pressure should be directed at him!

Jenn and Steve have bought a house that is VERY close to us, and we're so excited about them being right down the street. I love to hang out with my niece and nephew, and I'm really looking forward to seeing them more often. They're both growing so fast, and I've loved being able to be right here with them to see them develop into such wonderful children.

Ruby is still the same little Ruby. She's such a funny little dog and has been the best companion for me while Jason has traveled. I'm always laughing at her, although she does drive me crazy sometimes. If anyone knows of a good way to stop barking, please let me know. She goes nuts at our back door at absolutely NOTHING sometimes, and I cannot figure out how to stop the behavior. I soak her with the water gun sometimes before she finally stops, and then of course I feel guilty because she looks so pitiful.

My best friend of 16 years, Becky, is engaged, and I am so incredibly happy for her! She has had a lot of things happen to her that would break most people, but she is such a strong individual and has survived and thrived. She is happier than I've ever seen her, and Jason and I just love Tim. He's a really great guy and he just adores Becky. They're getting married in December, much to the delight of anyone who loves SEC football! She was very considerate and chose a weekend when there would be no games.

So, there's an update for anyone who reads this. Like I said, I'll be updating more often once I have more time, but I can't guarantee that it'll be anything that'll glue you to the computer screen.


1 comment:

Sara said...

Yea for updates!!